Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Forms of Government

Montesquieu holds that there are three types of governments: republican governments, which can take either democratic or aristocratic forms; monarchies; and despotisms. Unlike, for instance, Aristotle, Montesquieu does not distinguish forms of government on the basis of the virtue of the sovereign. The distinction between monarchy and despotism, for instance, depends not on the virtue of the monarch, but on whether or not he governs â€Å"by fixed and established laws† (SL 2. 1). Each form of government has a principle, a set of â€Å"human passions which set it in motion† (SL 3. 1); and each can be corrupted if its principle is undermined or destroyed. In a democracy, the people are sovereign. They may govern through ministers, or be advised by a senate, but they must have the power of choosing their ministers and senators for themselves. The principle of democracy is political virtue, by which Montesquieu means â€Å"the love of the laws and of our country† (SL 4. 5), including its democratic constitution. The form of a democratic government makes the laws governing suffrage and voting fundamental. The need to protect its principle, however, imposes far more extensive requirements. On Montesquieu's view, the virtue required by a functioning democracy is not natural. It requires â€Å"a constant preference of public to private interest† (SL 4. 5); it â€Å"limits ambition to the sole desire, to the sole happiness, of doing greater services to our country than the rest of our fellow citizens† (SL 5. ); and it â€Å"is a self-renunciation, which is ever arduous and painful† (SL 4. 5). Montesquieu compares it to monks' love for their order: â€Å"their rule debars them from all those things by which the ordinary passions are fed; there remains therefore only this passion for the very rule that torments them. †¦ the more it curbs their inclinations, the more force it gives to the only passion left them† (SL 5. 2). To produce this unnatural self-renunciation, â€Å"the whole power of education is required† (SL 4. ). A democracy must educate its citizens to identify their interests with the interests of their country, and should have censors to preserve its mores. It should seek to establish frugality by law, so as to prevent its citizens from being tempted to advance their own private interests at the expense of the public good; for the same reason, the laws by which property is transferred should aim to preserve an equal distribution of property among citizens. Its territory should be small, so hat it is easy for citizens to identify with it, and more difficult for extensive private interests to emerge. Democracies can be corrupted in two ways: by what Montesquieu calls â€Å"the spirit of inequality† and â€Å"the spirit of extreme equality† (SL 8. 2). The spirit of inequality arises when citizens no longer identify their interests with the interests of their country, and therefore seek both to advance their own private interests at the expense of their fellow citizens, and to ac quire political power over them. The spirit of extreme equality arises when the people are no longer content to be equal as citizens, but want to be equal in every respect. In a functioning democracy, the people choose magistrates to exercise executive power, and they respect and obey the magistrates they have chosen. If those magistrates forfeit their respect, they replace them. When the spirit of extreme equality takes root, however, the citizens neither respect nor obey any magistrate. They â€Å"want to manage everything themselves, to debate for the senate, to execute for the magistrate, and to decide for the judges† (SL 8. ). Eventually the government will cease to function, the last remnants of virtue will disappear, and democracy will be replaced by despotism. In an aristocracy, one part of the people governs the rest. The principle of an aristocratic government is moderation, the virtue which leads those who govern in an aristocracy to restrain themselves both from oppressing the people and from tryi ng to acquire excessive power over one another. In an aristocracy, the laws should be designed to instill and protect this spirit of moderation. To do so, they must do three things. First, the laws must prevent the nobility from abusing the people. The power of the nobility makes such abuse a standing temptation in an aristocracy; to avoid it, the laws should deny the nobility some powers, like the power to tax, which would make this temptation all but irresistible, and should try to foster responsible and moderate administration. Second, the laws should disguise as much as possible the difference between the nobility and the people, so that the people feel their lack of power as little as possible. Thus the nobility should have modest and simple manners, since if they do not attempt to distinguish themselves from the people â€Å"the people are apt to forget their subjection and weakness† (SL 5. 8). Finally, the laws should try to ensure equality among the nobles themselves, and among noble families. When they fail to do so, the nobility will lose its spirit of moderation, and the government will be corrupted. In a monarchy, one person governs â€Å"by fixed and established laws† (SL 2. 1). According to Montesquieu, these laws â€Å"necessarily suppose the intermediate channels through which (the monarch's) power flows: for if there be only the momentary and capricious will of a single person to govern the state, nothing can be fixed, and, of course, there is no fundamental law† (SL 2. 4). These ‘intermediate channels' are such subordinate institutions as the nobility and an independent judiciary; and the laws of a monarchy should therefore be designed to preserve their power. The principle of monarchical government is honor. Unlike the virtue required by republican governments, the desire to win honor and distinction comes naturally to us. For this reason education has a less difficult task in a monarchy than in a republic: it need only heighten our ambitions and our sense of our own worth, provide us with an ideal of honor worth aspiring to, and cultivate in us the politeness needed to live with others whose sense of their worth matches our own. The chief task of the laws in a monarchy is to protect the subordinate institutions that distinguish monarchy from despotism. To this end, they should make it easy to preserve large estates undivided, protect the rights and privileges of the nobility, and promote the rule of law. They should also encourage the proliferation of distinctions and of rewards for honorable conduct, including luxuries. A monarchy is corrupted when the monarch either destroys the subordinate institutions that constrain his will, or decides to rule arbitrarily, without regard to the basic laws of his country, or debases the honors at which his citizens might aim, so that â€Å"men are capable of being loaded at the very same time with infamy and with dignities† (SL 8. ). The first two forms of corruption destroy the checks on the sovereign's will that separate monarchy from despotism; the third severs the connection between honorable conduct and its proper rewards. In a functioning monarchy, personal ambition and a sense of honor work together. This is monarchy's great strength and the source of its extraordinary stability: whether its citizens act from genuine virtue, a sense of their own worth, a desire to serve their king, or personal ambition, they will be led to act in ways that serve their country. A monarch who rules arbitrarily, or who rewards servility and ignoble conduct instead of genuine honor, severs this connection and corrupts his government. In despotic states â€Å"a single person directs everything by his own will and caprice† (SL 2. 1). Without laws to check him, and with no need to attend to anyone who does not agree with him, a despot can do whatever he likes, however ill-advised or reprehensible. His subjects are no better than slaves, and he can dispose of them as he sees fit. The principle of despotism is fear. This fear is easily maintained, since the situation of a despot's subjects is genuinely terrifying. Education is unnecessary in a despotism; if it exists at all, it should be designed to debase the mind and break the spirit. Such ideas as honor and virtue should not occur to a despot's subjects, since â€Å"persons capable of setting a value on themselves would be likely to create disturbances. Fear must therefore depress their spirits, and extinguish even the least sense of ambition† (SL 3. ). Their â€Å"portion here, like that of beasts, is instinct, compliance, and punishment† (SL 3. 10), and any higher aspirations should be brutally discouraged. Montesquieu writes that â€Å"the principle of despotic government is subject to a continual corruption, because it is even in its nature corrupt† (SL 8. 10). This is true in several senses. First, despotic governments undermine themselves. Because property is not secure in a despo tic state, commerce will not flourish, and the state will be poor. The people must be kept in a state of fear by the threat of punishment; however, over time the punishments needed to keep them in line will tend to become more and more severe, until further threats lose their force. Most importantly, however, the despot's character is likely to prevent him from ruling effectively. Since a despot's every whim is granted, he â€Å"has no occasion to deliberate, to doubt, to reason; he has only to will† (SL 4. 3). For this reason he is never forced to develop anything like intelligence, character, or resolution. Instead, he is â€Å"naturally lazy, voluptuous, and ignorant† (SL 2. 5), and has no interest in actually governing his people. He will therefore choose a vizier to govern for him, and retire to his seraglio to pursue pleasure. In his absence, however, intrigues against him will multiply, especially since his rule is necessarily odious to his subjects, and since they have so little to lose if their plots against him fail. He cannot rely on his army to protect him, since the more power they have, the greater the likelihood that his generals will themselves try to seize power. For this reason the ruler in a despotic state has no more security than his people. Second, monarchical and republican governments involve specific governmental structures, and require that their citizens have specific sorts of motivation. When these structures crumble, or these motivations fail, monarchical and republican governments are corrupted, and the result of their corruption is that they fall into despotism. But when a particular despotic government falls, it is not generally replaced by a monarchy or a republic. The creation of a stable monarchy or republic is extremely difficult: â€Å"a masterpiece of legislation, rarely produced by hazard, and seldom attained by prudence† (SL 5. 14). It is particularly difficult when those who would have both to frame the laws of such a government and to live by them have previously been brutalized and degraded by despotism. Producing a despotic government, by contrast, is relatively straightforward. A despotism requires no powers to be carefully balanced against one another, no institutions to be created and maintained in existence, no complicated motivations to be fostered, and no restraints on power to be kept in place. One need only terrify one's fellow citizens enough to allow one to impose one's will on them; and this, Montesquieu claims, â€Å"is what every capacity may reach† (SL 5. 14). For these reasons despotism necessarily stands in a different relation to corruption than other forms of government: while they are liable to corruption, despotism is its embodiment.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

English Speech Format

Speech: A speech is an extended textual composition. May be based on a verbal or visual stimulus. A speech, like the article, requires a student to express his/her own opinion on a given subject. Write about 3-5 paragraphs. 1st Para †¢Heading or title †¢Introduction-salutation- Addressing the audience, self-introduction- and introducing the topic 2nd Para †¢Logically develop your argument. Credit is given for creativity in presenting ideas. †¢Points should be well organized and linked. Should read fluently. †¢Use rich vocabulary.Spellings must be correct. Use idiomatic expressions 3rd Para †¢Give different thoughts. †¢Points should be coherent. †¢You can take up different issues. 4thd Para †¢Discuss the connected themes as well. †¢Discuss problems if any and provide solutions. †¢Arrive towards a conclusion. 5th Para-Conclusion †¢Repeat and reiterate your point of view. †¢Correct voice (passive, active) and tense to be u sed. †¢Finally, give a very strong conclusion. Solved Example: Speech: Forgiveness makes, anger mars By The Speech WriterGood morning respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends! This is The Speech Deliverer from 10-A, delivering a speech on, â€Å"Forgiveness makes, anger mars. † In today’s hectic times anyone can hurt us anytime—and that too without any rhyme or reason or fault of ours! May be we can also do the same to others. We always look for a healing touch after someone has hurt, humiliated or insulted us. A wise man will make haste to forgive because he knows the true value of time, and will not suffer it to pass away in unnecessary pain.On the other hand, anger is a short madness and when a man grows angry, his reason rides out. Fury and anger carry the mind away. True, anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one. In fact anger is the fury and frenzy of the soul. Anger is hard to combat as it is willing to buy revenge with li fe. By controlling the anger of a minute, one may avoid the remorse of a lifetime. So, with the good man anger is quick to die. One reason is that it may compensate for the powerlessness we experienced when we were hurt.We may feel more in charge when we are filled with anger. But forgiving instils a much greater Medically speaking, people who remain angry most are susceptible to hypertension and related heart/brain diseases. Re-living unsuccessful or humiliating situations in the past hurt over and over again and prove bad for your health. other illnesses. Angry men make themselves beds of nettles. Anger always begins with folly and ends with repentance. Anger is like those ruins that break themselves against what they fall upon. Anger is a spender and few indulge it without cost.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Study on College Stress Management

A Study on College Stress Management Going to college for the first time is an exciting experience for most. College students have opportunities that weren’t so easily accessible before going to campus, and they have the freedom to find themselves. While mom and dad aren’t there to hold their child’s hand anymore, the student is more likely to face new challenges, or similar challenges to those faced before. According to the 2015 National College Health Assessment, 30% of students reported that stress had had a negative impact on their academic performance. College stress can be caused by poor time management skills, pressure to excel, and lack of creating new relationships with peers. According to Coccia and Darling, common stress inducers could be caused simply by personal characteristics, social interactions and personal behaviors. Personal characteristics such as gender and age have proven to be predictors of stress. For example, females tend to have higher stress levels than males. Females have been reported to have greater concern with social and romantic relationships and have greater rates of social anxiety and depression than men of the same age (Catherine Coccia Carol A. Darling, 2014). In college, one of the first problems a student will typically face is learning how to manage their time in the most efficient way possible. Different class schedules and deciding the best way to spend their time outside of class is a very difficult task. Due to living by a set schedule for most of one’s life, the ability to have control over their schedule is a new experience for a student. Dr. Gregory Jantz, psychologist and author of How to De-Stress Your Life, says, â€Å"We actually create more stress from not being good time stewards.† Time management has proven to be a cause of severe stress in college students due to the inability to accurately factor in all aspects of the student’s schedule such as classes, breaks between classes, study and homework time, and even the time the student should plan to eat meals throughout the day. While at college, students feel a higher pressure to excel in all aspects of their lives, especially academically. This pressure can be put on the student by his or her parents or other close family constantly telling the student that they need to keep their grades up, go to every class, or by hovering. The student may also feel pressured to excel because they may be a first-generation college student and feel they must prove they deserve the ability to go to college and make their family proud. While the signs of this excess pressure to succeed can be beneficial to the student, it may also over stress the student. Dr. Turner from The Mayo Clinic suggests reaching out to others such as friends or family for help. Stress can lead to severe depression and if not treated properly, the symptoms may get too far out of control for the student to be able to handle the depression on their own. Symptoms of depression include appetite changes, defensive and quick mood changes, irritability, an d altered sleep patterns. Depression can be caused by stress and is a serious mental illness that can be avoided and helped if done properly. Dr. Turner recommends seeking help from a psychiatrist if the situation becomes too difficult to handle. This disease can become detrimental to one’s health if help is not sought out and the situation is not handled properly. As each person has his or her own way of taking care of depression, if the cause is not identified to its full extent, the illness may worsen. Relationships in college are a vital part of each student’s experience. As a student, one may feel detached and soon become depressed if social interaction is not a key part of his or her daily routine. â€Å"Something I hear repeatedly is students are impatient in college to form the friend network that they had at home in their communities,† says Dr. Nancy Stockton, director of Counseling and Psychological Services at Indiana University. The distance from peers may cause students to feel as though they are not worthy of friendship or romantic relationships, making them either shut themselves off from other students more or making them feel the need to reach out to their peers for help and acceptance. Elizabeth Scott from said, â€Å"Knowing who is toxic to you and safe guarding a little bit [can] keep the stress from happening.† The stress she speaks of can come from â€Å"wishy-washy friends† who are supportive one minute and negative the next . Dr. Gregory Jantz, psychologist and author of How to De-Stress Your Life, says, â€Å"We actually create more stress from not being good time stewards.† Time management has proven to be a cause of severe stress in college students along with inadequate relationship building. Failure to release endorphins is a problem with many college students and people in general. To not release endorphins regularly can lead to built up tension and overstressed bodies and minds. The Mayo Clinic reports that exercise is one of the best de-stressors. Exercise releases endorphins, improves one’s mood, and helps one become more fit and healthy overall. When one is living a hectic lifestyle, finding time to schedule in a trip to the gym may be difficult. Luckily, more convenient forms of exercise such as yoga or gardening, can help stressed students to release the endorphins needed to lift their mood and reduce stress. These forms of exercise work and calm the mind at the same time. These activities also lower one’s blood pressure and can be very beneficial to one’s overall health and wellness (Erlanger A. Turner). A study was conducted by Sandra Lenz based off other journals and studies about college stress and why students are showing higher rates of extreme stress while enduring what is said to be the best four years of ones’ life. Lenz took part in this study so that college student, parents, professors and others alike could better understand why college students have higher stress rates as years pass and coping mechanisms that can be used to combat the stress. Sandra starts by discussing that many factors are present in the cause of stress and the way each student copes. With many other studies feeding the research that Sandra takes on, she was able to put together a well-rounded study. One of the first coping styles that Lenz speaks about is task-oriented coping. She refers to homework being a probable cause of stress in college students. The task-oriented coping means that a student is more likely to get the homework done before he or she takes a moment to consider how the stress is affecting them. The student will directly confront the source of his or her stress without beating around the bush. The second form of coping that Lenz described is called emotion-oriented coping, meaning there is a specific cause of the stress the student is facing. Instead of focusing his or her energy on completing the task, say it is back to the homework analogy, the student will focus harder on understanding and controlling their emotional state towards the situation and completely forget about completing the homework. Lenz says that the third and final form of coping is avoidance coping. Avoidance coping is when the student has decided to avoid the cause of the stress they are ex periencing all together. If the cause of the stress is homework, according to Lenz, the student will avoid the homework completely and this is how the student will handle their stress. Lenz’s study shows that while emotion-oriented coping is the most used tactic for dealing with stress in college, the other two forms she wrote about are not unused, just not as regularly used by the students as emotion-oriented. The results of the study that Lenz conducted show that students have different needs and how each student deals with his or her stress varies immensely. There are many causes to stress and college students have a higher rate of stress than middle aged workers. Learning to handle stress on one’s own time is a challenge, but there are endless ways to learn to help oneself. Exercise, yoga, taking time to pamper yourself and deciding in one’s mind how to handle stress are only a few of the options available for coping with this burden, but there are many more tactics to be considered.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Distance versus Intimacy in child raising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Distance versus Intimacy in child raising - Essay Example We thrust our intellectual prudence in to the brains of our children. To emphasize the psychological well being of children, the arguments made by two authors namely, Lisa Firestone and Steve Nelson are now taken for debate. Although both the authors want the parents to focus on the emotional aspects of their children, they differ in the execution modality. Firestone advocates an attentive caring on children in her essay How To Raise an Emotionally Healthy Child. However, Nelson encourages an autonomous style of living for children in his essay Leave Your Child Alone. To reach the focal point of robust child rearing, both the authors traverse in two opposite directions. FIRESTONE SUMMARY Lisa Firestone asserts through her essay that communication is the key to understanding the way children respond with their emotions. She claims that parents should be aware of emotional problems that can go untreated. For example, when television, video games or excessive eating to cope with emotion s such as fear, anger, or anxiety that they might be avoiding overly consumes a child. Firestone’s rational on the subject is directed to children that regress rather than progress and challenge unpleasant emotions. She also proposes parents to intervene to help children address the source of unwanted feelings and what to do with them.

Corrections Trend Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Corrections Trend Evaluation - Essay Example In analyzing the future philosophies of corrections it is important to distinguish between the federal and state level. States have legislative power and have been able to take much broader actions in reducing their prison populations. States generally will apply one of three philosophies; relocating inmates and the use of halfway housing or community detention, allowing inmate’s credit as time served for good behavior or participation in certain programs, and modifying criminal statutes and sentencing (United States Government Accountability Office,2012, p 32). Many federal sentences are mandatory minimum sentences with no parole as the Bureau of Prisons does not have the authority to modify the inmate’s sentence. They are also without authority to move federal inmates to community corrections or transfer them to local prisons or supervised release more so than what is federally allowed. Possible future actions that are being considered by the Bureau of Prisons at the federal level are several options that policy makers have begun to consider to address the crowding in the federal system. One option is to minimize and reduce the projected size of the inmate population by reforming current sentencing laws and allowing alternatives to incarceration while also providing the Bureau of Prisons greater flexibility in sentencing. A second option is to increase the capacity of the federal system, in essence keeping up with the demand and the projected growth of the demand by the construction of new prisons, increasing staffing levels, and contracting for increased private capacity. A third option is a combination of the first two and would likely be the most successful philosophy to utilize in order to negate and reduce many of the side effects of the current and projected overcrowding. It is estimated that 60% of federal inmates are non-violent offenders. The suggestion of some is that many of these are white collar crimes and instead of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Colgate Palmolive Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Colgate Palmolive - Case Study Example Colgate Palmolive principle activities are manufacturing and marketing a variety of different consumer products. The group operates through two segments and sells its products under two of the categories: This report is focused on the use of brands by the said organization and how they successfully manage to market and sell their brands all over the world. How the name of the brand is made How that brand name is retained by the company How the company manages to live up to its customers' expectations What has the company got that its brands enjoy all the trust and confidence of customers in the world Such types of questions are addressed in this report. A detailed analysis of the company products is made and significant efforts have also been made in understanding how the company operates and manages to handle of its business worldwide. After the detailed study of the company's brands and their influence on the markets, some conclusions have been made regarding the study. Entireprocessinvolved in creating a unique name andimagefor aproduct(good orservice) in theconsumers' mind, throughadvertising campaignswith aconsistenttheme. Brandingaimsto establisha significant and differentiated presence in themarketthat attracts and retains loyal customers. As it can be seen from the definition of the branding above th... After the detailed study of the company's brands and their influence on the markets, some conclusions have been made regarding the study. Literature Review Entireprocessinvolved in creating a unique name andimagefor aproduct(good orservice) in theconsumers' mind, throughadvertising campaignswith aconsistenttheme. Brandingaimsto establisha significant and differentiated presence in themarketthat attracts and retains loyal customers. As it can be seen from the definition of the branding above that it is a complete and whole process of creating a unique name and image for a product either goods or services. To whom that image is targeted by the seller is a question great significance and the answer is potential customer. How is that objective achieved is the use of different marketing and advertising tools by the manufacturer and seller of the product. Hence what branding achieves is a significant and differentiated presence in the market that helps to attract potential customers and then retain those customers. Branding is a single major driver in the success of the product when a particular product has got everything it needs to fulfill the needs of users. With famous brands it becomes easier and a bit cheaper to penetrate the market and sell the new product with full hope and confidence. Recent times have seen many companies becoming successful due to their brand names and even selling their products at higher rates than the rates of similar products being sold in the market. Brand Identity Another main feature of this brand game is the brand identity, which helps its consumers to recognize it with its appearance irrespective of the fact that

Friday, July 26, 2019

Contemporary Issues In Business And Management Essay - 1

Contemporary Issues In Business And Management - Essay Example Recently, major proportion of the population shares their personal information through online. Data like medical records, credit card purchases and other important materials are recorded in several significant powerful databases. A contemporary issue can be defined as the issue that has a specific relevance to the present time. It can lead to several management problems and challenges, such as ethical issues, corporate and social responsibility issues that can affect the business performance of the organization (Rosenfield, 2006, p.43). The leading firms around the globe are trying to capitalize on the opportunities that have been established and reformed due to globalization and advanced modern information technology. Now-a-days, the business organizations are trying to bring innovation in their business process in order to achieve competitive advantages within the competitive global market. Facebook is the largest global social networking site. Over 500 million global people are co nnected with each other through this social networking site. ... However, the study will reveal Facebook’s several contemporary issues associated with the business ethics and social responsibility management. Analysis of Several Contemporary Issues The organization argues that there is no wrong in the social media promotional strategy. According to the organization, they already have recommended on their site to check in security settings before liking any page or status. The Facebook users are aware of the Facebook advertising activities (Mullerat, 2011, p.149). Since the year 2004, the organization has made numerous controversial moves related to privacy. The study will discuss and analyze several trends and prominent privacy incidents that have occurred over the organization’s lifetime. Permissive Defaults The organization used to select certain default privacy settings for the new initial sign ups. These settings are generally customizable, but several users of Facebook never bother to adjust the privacy settings. At the initial stages, the website has default privacy settings. At that point of time only college students were allowed to register as the website users. The organization has been able to increase its customer base in global market by implementing several unique business strategies (Poynter, 2010, p.253). A complaint was raised against Facebook that the organization is trying to sell the personal information and data of its users to other marketing organizations against money. The Advertising Standards authority has disclosed a code of advertising that has included the social responsibility clause. It aims to restrict the advertisers not to break the spirit of the rules. Initially, the organizations around the globe were posting free advertisements.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Assignment 4 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

4 - Assignment Example eader it is appropriate to take a more specific approach by evaluating one particular leader such as Sir Richard Branson during his tenure as the CEO of the Virgin Group. This evaluation seeks to determine Branson’s contributions to the Virgin Group as its leader. Implementation of effective leadership requires upholding high standards that should be reflected form the leader trickling down to the entire organization. This is in order to establish the organization’s culture that acts as the guidance and driving force (Schein, 2010, p.232). Branson is driven by innovation and creativity values that can be seen from his works. Considering his educational background when he started the company, the success that ensued is a reflection of high levels of innovation and creativity. As such, the group has absorbed these values and can arguably be considered to be among the greatest cultures of the Virgin Groups and a contributor to its success. For example, during Branson’s tenure as CEO the group portrayed great zeal for innovations through creativity such as the project to establish a space travel company to take people to space. This implies that leaders should portray desirable traits since they act as the foundations of the organiz ation’s culture. Additionally, leaders should strive to create a suitable working environment favorable for the entire workforce. This is because suitable working environments guarantee employees’ happiness which is crucial for maximum productivity (Koohang, 2008, p.166). A suitable environment is created through ensuring effective communication and relationships between the leaders and the employees. This allows both all workers including leaders to interact effectively allowing idea exchange. Branson is known as a people’s person who relates with most people and this has also been reflected in his relations with his employees. Considering his position as the founder of the organization, his interactions with employees act as

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Re-evaluation before the Development of Technology Essay

Re-evaluation before the Development of Technology - Essay Example Man required various tools for use in hunting, gathering fruits and tubers used as food, as well as weaponry for protection against the attack by animals. This led to the use of stone tools, which were shaped appropriately, then, to the wooden and later to the metallic tools, which required further systems of shaping and designing them for appropriate application (Berkman, 1962). With the need to shape the metallic tools, technological need arose, which would melt the metal and then shape them into various tools. Secondly, the need for locomotion started with forging rafters to be used for moving across streams, paving way for the development of masts to harness the wind and use it to propel the boats, and later the development of steam-powered engines. All these were steps in the technological development. b. Near past The controversy in the Near Past phase of technological development is the environmental degradation, the negative effects of the GMO food on human health and the une mployment caused by the replacement of the human workers by machines in industries and various business firms. The near past technological development counts for the period between the 20th and the 21st century, where technological advancement emerged in the form of development of road transport and the automotive industry, office work technologies, manufacturing and other business operational technologies, as well as advancement in air industry (Swaminatha, 2011). Further alternative sources of energy such as nuclear were exploited, while great strides were made in the agricultural sector with the development of the genetically modified organisms (GMOs), as well as various agricultural production technologies. Further advancements were made in the field of medicine and public health with organ transplants technologies evolving, as well as many other life-saving technologies. The communication technology further advanced with the arrival of mobile phones and other communication devi ces. c. Currently i. Current status of the issue The controversy in the current phase of technological development is the threat posed by the internet and cybercrimes on the welfare of the people, as well as the threat of the nuclear weaponry development, which is posing the threat of a third World War, which may have worst consequences, than any other war that has been experienced in the world. The current phase of technological development is marred with computer technology, internet technology and the nuclear weapon technology, all of which have made the fear of the worst war ever occurring. Through the internet and the computer technology, the threats of terrorism in the world have increased immensely, while the online frauds and financial scams have posed a great threat to the online business operations (Swaminatha, 2011). ii. Division in attitude towards the claim There are major supporters of the technological development due to the advantages it has brought to the modern wor ld such as the ease of communication through the mobile devices as well as the internet platforms such as social media, the ease of buying and selling commodities through online marketing platforms and the improved knowledge creation and sharing through the internet

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International Issues in Accounting and Audit Essay

International Issues in Accounting and Audit - Essay Example Considering the growing complexity of accounting work, many countries have adopted IFRS as their basis for financial reporting as it is expected that IFRS can significantly improve the quality of information on corporate finance. Although there are numerous potential advantages associated with a common set of global reporting standards, it is difficult to implement IFRS in a way that the benefits of a harmonised reporting system could be achieved. This paper will critically explore and discuss the potential benefits as well as negative impacts/limitations of adopting the IFRS in the United Kingdom. International Financial Reporting Standards, commonly abbreviated as IFRS, are designed as a common global reporting framework for businesses so as to make company accounts well understandable and comparable despite cross-border barriers. The growing international shareholding and trade activities make it necessary to establish a common global language for business affairs with regard to accounting and reporting. Such a common global framework is also particularly important for firms that have a presence in several countries. Today the IFRSs increasingly replace different national accounting standards as multinational corporations wish to keep their accounts easily understandable and comparable across the globe. IFRS are authorised on the ground of historical cost paradigm with the exception of IAS 29 and IFRIC 7, which are authorised on the ground of constant purchasing power paradigm (Legardere, 2007). Although IFRS was initially introduced as a framework to harmonise accounting practices and procedures across the European Union, this concept has progressively become attractive around the world due to the increased value of harmonisation. IFRS are sometimes referred to as the original name of International Accounting Standards (IAS). The International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) issued IAS over the period 1973-2001. On 1st April 2001, the new International Accounting Standards Boards (IASB) undertook the responsibility for setting international accounting standards from the IASC (Value based, n.d.).  

Sichuan dumplings with soy sauce caramel Essay Example for Free

Sichuan dumplings with soy sauce caramel Essay Rate this recipe: 2,302207,4,1,0 2,302207,4,2,0 2,302207,4,3,0 2,302207,4,4,0 2,302207,4,5,0 17 votes Recipe by: Rishi Desai Contestant Makes: 20 Ingredients 2 cups (200g) moist coconut flakes or shredded coconut 60g palm sugar, coarsely grated  ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon  ½ teaspoon ground cardamom  ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 teaspoon Sichuan peppercorns 125ml ( ½ cup) milk 20 gow gee wrappers Vegetable oil, for frying 110g ( ½ cup) brown sugar 250ml (1 cup) thickened cream 2 tablespoons dark soy sauce Add to Shopping List Method 1. To make the filling, combine coconut, palm sugar, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, peppercorns and milk in a saucepan set over low heat. Cook for about 5 minutes or until the palm sugar has melted, stirring often. Transfer mixture to a blender and blend to a coarse paste. 2. Place 1 tablespoon of filling into the middle of a wrapper, and lightly brush edges with water. Using your fingers, gently bring the edges of the wrapper together, crimping at intervals to seal, forming dumplings with a flat base. Repeat with remaining filling and wrappers. 3. In batches if necessary, place dumplings in a large steamer basket, sitting over a saucepan or wok barely filled with boiling water. Steam for 10 minutes or until wrappers are tender. Remove and set aside on a tray lined with baking paper. 4. Heat oil in a large frying pan set over medium heat. Cook the base of the dumplings for about 1-2 minutes or until golden brown. 5. Meanwhile, to make the soy caramel, place brown sugar, cream and soy sauce in a saucepan over low heat. Bring to a simmer, and cook for about 10 minutes or until a thick caramel. Transfer caramel to a jug. 6. To serve, place wontons on a plate and serve with soy sauce caramel. Print RecipeRecipe CardCreate PDF.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sales Tax Essay Example for Free

Sales Tax Essay OBJECTIVE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The objective of this work is to discuss sales tax issues from the viewpoint of both the citizen and the Budget Director. Reviewed will be issues of ‘volatility’, ‘reliability’, and ‘equity’ as well as how the sales tax impacts activities of government such as economic development, community initiatives and service provision. Finally this work will answer the question of whether there are any other taxes or revenue sources to substitute for the sales tax as well as stating why or alternatively why there is not an existing substitute. INTRODUCTION: SALES TAX ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sales taxes are collected at the local and state levels and utilized by the government in service provision to the citizens of the United States. The United States imposes sales taxes in both state and local administrations in which the customer is charged a combined rate which bundles together (USA Sales Use Tax, 2006) the state tax with the local tax. A merchant is required to charged a sales tax if the business has nexus. A nexus is defined as a substantial physical presence. (USA Sales Use Tax, 2006) Not all products are subject to the sales tax and different states exempt difference products. Sales taxes are applied on the end purchase of goods in retail sales. Economic development has been defined as a multi-faceted approach to the development of policies and programs designed to preserve, enhance and promote a vibrant and successful business community. (Economic Development Action Program, 2005) The health and success of the businesses in communities are stated to be directly linked to the quality of life experienced by residents in that community (Economic Development Action Program, 2005) which is of primary importance to the entire city or municipality. Creation of jobs and generation of sales tax revenues provide a major contribution to fund the initiatives of service provision with the city. The economic development within a city of municipality is greatly dependent on sales tax revenues in most U.S. states. VOLATILITY, RELIABILITY, AND EQUITY ‘Volatility’ and ‘Reliability’ are the two primary considerations of a budget director when revenues raised by taxes are spent on new initiatives. Hirsch et al state that Reliability and Volatility are that which marks the outcome of the question which asks: â€Å"Are new revenues raised by the taxes relatively stable over time or are they excessively volatile and difficult to predict? It is a fact that generation of revenues from sales taxes may be unpredictable since these revenues are greatly dependent on seasonal factors and economic conditions therefore, merchants may experience a really great Christmas hence the sales tax revenues for the government will be great as well however, a lean year for merchants will also result in the coffers of the government for spending in economic development being quite thin as well. In a journal article relating to the impact of sales tax on the economy of the state of California it is stated that: â€Å"If times are good and consumption is high, there will be more revenue from sales taxes than otherwise. If times are bad and layoffs and unemployment are up, personal income taxes will be reduced. Some taxpayers will lose their jobs or not have opportunities to work overtime. Sluggish economic activity will hurt profits and thus collections from corporate income taxes. Similarly, if times are bad, certain kinds of welfare-related expenditures may increase. While the linkage between economic developments and the status of the budget is clear, the actual budget process involves making a forecast of what those economic developments will be. Then budget forecasters must estimate precisely how the assumed developments will affect revenue† (Hirsch, et al, 2004) The third element is that of Equity which is one of the five principles stated by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) that were compiled in 1988 with input from lawmakers and academics. The principle involving Equity along with the other principles for sound tax policy. The five principles are:   (1) Provision of appropriate revenues (sufficiency, stability, and certainty of revenues produced) (2) Neutrality; (3) Equity; (4) Easy and economical to administer; (5) accountability – (i) taxpayers are accountable for payment of their taxes (ii) tax agencies are accountable for administration and enforcement of the tax laws efficiently and fairly; and (iii) lawmakers accountable for the integrity of the tax laws. (Hirsch et al, 2004) III. VIOLATION OF PRINCIPLES IN NEW YORK ECONOMIC DEVELOPEMNT In a recent testimony before the U.S. Senate in a hearing before the Subcommittee on International Trade of the Committee on Finance earlier this year given by Walter Hellerstein who is said to be: â€Å"the nations leading legal academic authority on state and local taxation† stated is that a New York economic development incentive to attract sales to the New York exchanges was a discriminatory tax to the Boston Stock Exchange that viewed the incentive as diverting economic activity from the Boston exchange, a view with which the U.S. Supreme Court concurred. (Testimony of Walter Hellerstein, 2006) Stated as well is that the economic development incentive for its fledging wine industry was a discriminatory tax to sellers of alcoholic beverages produced in other states, a view with which the U.S. Supreme Court concurred. (Ibid) SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Clearly the sales tax scheme or plan of a city or municipality involves the necessary view which is all-inclusive of the factors that will impact the revenues realized from sales taxes and as well are able to realize the volatility or alternatively the reliability of the sales tax revenues in the budget plan. Then the comprehension of the sales taxes as they affect the individuals within the community both from the advantages of the economic development in the community as well as the impact the increase of sales tax will have on the spending habits in times that are characterized by layoffs and unemployment in the area. Finally it must be comprehended that all of this is inherently linked in the planning of sales taxes, city budgets and economic development in that economic development works to ensure a healthy and quality lifestyle for the taxpayers that reside in the community, and as well that economic development furthers the growth of businesses and employment within the community. These successful individuals and households within the community in turn replenish the community or city coffers with the sales taxes on the purchases that they make in the community thereby funding even more economic development in the community. Last, the principles that have been reviewed in this research as set out by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) must be followed in order to avoid the situation that the economic development initiatives in New York and Hawaii experienced in being found in violation of those principles by the U.S. Supreme Court. WORKS CITED Testimony of Walter Hellerstein before the U.S. Senate; Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Trade of the Committee on Finance (2006) Online available at: Economic Development Action Program (2005) City of Bothell nd Online available at: One Taxpayers Economic Development Incentive Is Often Anothers Discriminatory Tax.(Advocate: Spring/Summer 2006 Online available at: Hirsch, Werner A. et al (2004) Making California’s State Budget More User-Friendly And Transparent Online available at: USA Sales Use Tax, (2006)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

One Thousand Dollars

One Thousand Dollars Old Bryson was a calm, anti-social man, about forty years old. Gillian say to Old Bryson Ire just come from a meeting with my late uncle lawyer. He leaves we an even thousand dollars?. After this, Gillian found Miss Lauriere and many of people. I like for one person has Gillian meet is blind man. Gillian found a blind man sat on the side walk selling pencils. Gillian ask him Excuse me, but would you mind telling me what you would do if you had a thousand dollars?. The blind man took a small book from his coat pocket and hold it out. Gillian opened it and saw that if was a bank deposit book. A blind man have one thousand seven hundred eighty-five dollars in his bank account. Finally, Gillson said to my late uncle lawyer I lost the thousand dollars on the races. So funny for this short story. The One Thousand Dollars by O.Henry is the best short story. In short story the main character is Mr Gillian. The theme of One Thousand Dollars we have to understand about how to manage the money. Mr Gillian liability to manage money him uncles after he died so him are required to provide us with a report of how him used this one thousand dollar as soon as him have spent it. Mr Gillian is very honest person, benevolent and him like listen other opinion from him friends for manage him uncles money. One Thousand Dollars Mr Gillian can open our minds how to make this decision because of the decisions we make have to think about the good and bad to us and those who are around us. We also need to trust in managing the money that has been entrusted to us. The moral of the story we have to be smart to manage financial. ELEMENT 2 SETTING: Types of setting minor in the short story One Thousand Dollars is at the club Gillian. There, the main character introduced as a named Mr.Gillian was meet Old Bryson in a reading corner. Secondly, Mr.Gillian went to the stage entrance of the Columbine There was meet his lover is a Miss Lauriere. There Miss Lauriere was preparing for her performance. Thirdly, Mr.Gillian in a cab and speaks with drivers. Then, Mr.Gillian got out of the cab and meet a blind man on the sidewalk that selling pencils. Mr.Gillian be from one place to another place is to asked somebody about the money a thousand dollars. Lastly for unimportant to the plot during the end of short story Mr.Gillian waiting for the elevator. Types of settings major is at offices Tolman and Sharp. There, the lawyer Tolman give the thin package of fifty-dollar bills to Mr. Gillian and required Mr. Gillian for make a report about how to used one thousand dollars. There is also, Mr. Gillian present a report to the lawyer. This is a important part of the short story. The characters is a part of setting is Mr. Gillian. He is a main character for this story because he change over the course of the story. In the short story, Mr. Gillian strive to provide report how to used one thousand dollars with a view to obtaining the fifty thousand dollars. But, his report unsatisfied and caused lost the fifty thousand dollars. ELEMENT 3 ATTEMPT: Attempt is the character takes action to reach his goal. The main character in the short story is Mr. Gullian. He was takes action for provide his report how to use one thousand dollars. He went to meet and asked his friend known as Old Bryson, cab driver, a blind man about what you do with a thousand dollars if they had it. His goal is get more than one thousand dollars. Therefore, he always think the best way use the money one thousand dollars for his report. ELEMENT 4 STYLE: Figurative : Even fifty dollars would have been loss trable Interesting : I have funny story to tell you, said Gillian I thought the late Septimus Gillian was worth something like half a million, said Old Bryson showed very little interest. 3.0 TYPE OF STORY Gillian laid the money beside her hand on the desk. Miss Hayden turned white. Oh! she said. And again, Oh! Gillian half turned and looked out the window. In a low voice he said, I suppose, of course, that you know I love you. I am sorry, said Miss Hayden, as she picked up her money. There is no use? asked Gillian, almost light-heartedly. I am sorry, she said again. May I write a note? asked Gillian, with a smile. Miss Hayden supplied him with paper and pen, and then went back to her writing table. Gillian wrote a report of how he spent the thousand dollars: Paid by Robert Gillian, one thousand dollars on account of the eternal happiness, owed by Heaven to the best and dearest woman on earth. Textually Implicit Text In this story, Young Gillian is a playboy. He clearly wastes money at clubs and on showgirls. Gillian spends the money well gives it to the woman he loves (even though she doesnt love him).He finds out that if he spent the money to the woman he loves. Gillian shows the best side of love here. He knows that Miriam will not love him no matter how rich he is. So he sacrifices his happiness for hers. This text is textually implicit because we have to use the information in the story to make inferences about the characters actions and goal. One thousand dollars, said the lawyer Tolman, in a severe and serious voice. And here is the money. Young Gillian touched the thin package of fifty-dollar bills and laughed. Its such an unusual amount, he explained, kindly, to the lawyer. If it had been ten thousand a man might celebrate with a lot of fireworks. Even fifty dollars would have been less trouble. You heard the reading of your uncles will after he died, continued the lawyer Tolman. I do not know if you paid much attention to its details. I must remind you of one. You are required to provide us with a report of how you used this one thousand dollars as soon as you have spent it. I trust that you will obey the wishes of your late uncle. You may depend on it, said the young man respectfully. Textually Explicit Text In this story, Young Gillian is upset his wealthy uncle left him with $1000 with strings attached. His hope was that his nephew would change his shallow ways. He must spend the $1000 and prove to the lawyers he didnt spend it on something frivolous. He spends the whole day trying to figure out how to do that. This text have the relationship with the goal is stated in the text. Now, Mr. Gillian, Mr. Sharp and I will examine your report of the one thousand dollars. Mr. Tolman reached for the envelope. Gillian was a little quicker in taking it up. He calmly tore the report and its cover into pieces and dropped them into his pocket. Its all right, he said, smilingly. There isnt a bit of need to bother you with this. I dont suppose you would understand these itemized bets, anyway. I lost the thousand dollars on the races. Good-day to you, gentlemen. Tolman and Sharp shook their heads mournfully at each other when Gillian left. They heard him whistling happily in the hallway as he waited for the elevator.Scriptally Implicit Text In the text, the relationship between one thousand dollar, its final observation that one thousand dollar, he spent the money to get love is not made explicit. The conclusion he will double her happiness by a white lie at the end of the story, by telling that he had spent the money gambling. 4.0 LITERARY CRITICSM ELEMENT 1- THE CRITICAL RESPONSE : Young Gillian is characterized as something of a playboy. He clearly wastes money at clubs and on showgirls. His uncle has not liked this about him and has left him $1,000. Gillian doesnt know this, but if he spends it well, he gets $50,000 and if he doesnt he gets nothing more. Gillian spends the money well gives it to the woman he loves (even though she doesnt love him). Then he finds out about the $50,000. He finds out that if he spent the money badly, the $50,000 goes to the woman he loves. When he hears this, he lies and says he wasted the money. Gillian shows the best side of love here. He knows that Miriam will not love him no matter how rich he is. So he sacrifices his happiness for hers. ELEMENT 2 THE EMOTIONAL RESPONSE: In the literary criticism we have to identify the main character Mr Gillian. Mr Gillian is good person but him dont know how him manage this one thousand dollars in him life. He meet with various partners who have different backgrounds so they give different opinion but him not accept they opinion because their ideas do not same with the requirements. Mr. Gillian began to feel confused as to what he would do. Mr. Gillian feels he can to manage the money properly. But Mr. Gillian not affords to bear the responsibilities given by his uncle. Firstly, went I reading this short story I started thinking about what Mr. Gillian to manage his late uncles money. Then when he started to ask friends so I feel him can choosing which of the opinion will be accept by Mr. Gillian but lastly I feel so angry because Mr. Gillian already using the money in horse racing. 5.0 CONCLUSION A money given was to use the money to get the love for a woman. Although he had to cheat lawyer for money that is used to obtain the happiness of his love. Thus, the lesson from this story is that we should be good at financial planning us toward those things that are beneficial. Let the money is properly planned so that the money available to be spent on worthwhile things. Act of cheating should be avoided. Therefore, we must be wise and clever in managing our own lives.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Macbeth 10 :: essays research papers

MACBETH CHOICE 2 - Compare the changes in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as a result of the murder of King Duncan. How are they before the murder, and what happens to each of them and their relationship after the initial murder? What I know of Macbeth I believe that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were quite greedy and selfish. Macbeth was forced into his own fate by the greed of his wife. Lady Macbeth let popularity and the Queenship get to her and she practically made Macbeth murder Duncan the King of Scotland. She knew once Duncan was dead Macbeth would become Kind and then she would automatically be casted Queen. Before the murder Lady Macbeth plays the role of boss, in my opinion she tells Macbeth what to do every step of the way. Lady Macbeth is calm, excited, very greedy and quite ambitious as her husband, she taunts Macbeth’s courage to insure that he will murder Duncan and become King. Macbeth is a little bit more on a different path. Macbeth is one of Duncan’s most courageous generals, his driving ambition to become King of Scotland corupts him and causes him to murder Duncan and order the slaying of anyone who threatens his Kingship. When Macbeth murders Duncan he then on watches everyone around him. Being scared that he will be founded. Banquo is Macbeth’s closest friend and also a general in Duncan’s army. Soon after Macbeth murders Duncan, Macbeth fears that Banquo suspects him of murdering Duncan, so Macbeth once again jumps to conclusions and he arranges to have Banquo murdered. At this point I believe that Macbeth would be quite scared because he has his closest friend killed for thinking Banquo knew that Macbeth murdered Duncan. At this point Lady Macbeth is isolated and not involved in the plan. She attempts to lighten Macbeth’s mood. They are both restless and sleepless. Macbeth during a dinner see’s Banquo’s ghost twice. Macbeth is completely unnerved and ready to blurt out his guilt to those assembled, but quick thinking Lady Macbeth gets to him before he can do that. She dismisses everyone present. At this moment in time after the murder Macbeth is scared and feels utterly guilty. When Macduff, a Scottish general gets on the scene, Macduff strongly suspects Macbeth of murdering Duncan. When the accusation gets out Macbeth immediately has Macduff’s family murdered. Macduff then swears vengeance to kill Macbeth. Everything is moving so fast and by this time everyone suspects Macbeth of murdering Duncan, at this time Lady Macbeth’s fear and remorse eventually causes her to go mad. Lady Macbeth now is quite ill, sleepwalking and talking in her sleep.

My Philosophical Approach To Counseling Essay -- essays research paper

My Philosophical Approach to Counseling Definition of Existential Therapy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One survey taken by Corey suggests a definition of Existential Therapy include two key elements: Existential Therapy is essentially an approach to counseling and therapy rather than a firm theoretical model, it stresses core human conditions. Normally, personality development is based on the uniqueness of each individual. Sense of self develops from infancy. Self determination and a tendency toward growth are control ideas. Focus is on the present and on what one is becoming; that is the approach has a future orientation. It stresses self-awareness before action. (1996, p.465)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In layman terms, Existential therapy can be described as a philosophical approach that is not designed to cure people but instead help the client reflect and search for value and meaning in life. Existential Therapy does not supply a cookbook of methods like other approaches but instead it provides a framework that is adaptable to the therapist, in which to view the individual and the world in which they participate. Definition of Person-Centered (Client-Centered) Therapy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to Mosby's Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary, client-centered therapy is a non directive method of group or individual psychotherapy, originated by Carl Rogers, in which the role of the therapist is to listen to and reflect or restate without judgment or interpretation the words of the client. Objectives of Existential Therapy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The objectives of Existential Therapy are quite unique. Existential counselors are focused on helping the client achieve and expand their self- awareness. Many Therapist assume once self awareness is achieved, the client can examine new ways of dealing with problems and except the responsibility of choosing. Objectives of Client-centered Therapy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The objective of client-centered therapy is to assist the client to experience self exploration, so that they can identify problems that are hindering their growth process. Essentially, the main goal of client-centered therapy is to have the client achieve a sense of increased awareness and understanding of his attitudes, feelings, and behaviors. Professional Opinions   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ... ...ce of Counseling and Psychotherapy. (Rev. ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Coleman. Hacker, D. J. (1994). An Existential View of Adolescence. Journal of Early Adolescence. 14. (3), 300-327. Kendall, P., & Southam-Gerow, M.(1996). Long-term follow-up of a Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety-Disordered Youth. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 64.(4), 724-730. Porter, R. L., Wagner W., Johnson, J., & Cox, L. M. (1996). Sexually abused girls' verbalizations in counseling: an application of the client behavior system. [CD-ROM]. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 43. (4), 383-389. Abstract from: Health Reference Center. File Number: 18987461. Westman, A. S., (1992). Existential Anxiety as Related to Conceptualization of Self and of Death, Denial of Death, and Religiosity. Psychological Reports. 71. 1064-1066. Abstract This paper examined two philosophical and humanistic approaches I have chosen as my rationale to counseling and psychotherapy. The paper will define and explain the objectives and techniques of these two dynamic therapies. Furthermore, it will illustrate existential and client-centered therapy's importance in regards to treating adolescence.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Unseen Effects of Title Nine :: Sports Female Social Norms Essays

Unseen Effects of Title Nine Using the four topics, history, race and class, gender, and sexual orientation in sport, assume you are a screen writer in the year 2010. You have been commissioned to write a movie script about women's sports and current society. What is the theme? Who are the protagonists? What are the issues and how does the movie end? When Annie came in with an idea to do a sports movie, the first thing I did was laugh in her face. She quickly cut me off. "Harry. Harry what do you know about Title Nine?" "What is that, some new soy product?" "Title Nine, enacted in 1972, represents a large change in attitudes toward women and their aspirations. Since sports affect boys and girls as they grow up, the way we treat women's sports may prove as important to changing social attitudes as anything else we do. If girls are socialized the way boys are in taking part in sports, and if boys and girls grow up with the idea that girls are strong and capable, it will change the way girls and women are viewed by themselves and by civilization." "Oh it's a movie about the fate of civilization! Are there any explosions? Aliens?" "Title Nine. It's this law that says that boys and girls are entitled to the same resources when it comes to sports. Like, at a public school they can't give nice basketballs to the boys and crappy sacks to the girls. And they can't hire this all-star retired big shot for the boy's swim team and get some lifeguard to coach the girls. Everything has to be equal opportunity across the board." "Well that's something I'm happy to see at PTO meetings, but I don't give a damn about seeing it on the big screen. Annie, no one wants to shell out eight bucks to read the Constitution." "Ok look. This girl, Jane, grows up in this wealthy family, goes to a prestigious prep school, plays lacrosse, the works. Her aunt from the Bronx comes to visit her one weekend, and her aunt and her mother get into a huge fight because the Bronx cousin accuses he mother of spoiling Jane. She says Jane will never have to fight for anything, everything's always handed to her. She doesn't earn any of the stuff and privileges she has, she just gets it. Naturally Jane gets all huffy about this and it affects he deeply.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Hanging of Angelique

The Hanging of Angelique, The Untold Story of Canadian Slavery and the Burning of Old Montreal, written by Afua Cooper, is the story of not just Marie-Joseph Angelique, a black slave in 18th century Montreal accused, tried and hanged for arson, but gives insight into the entire African slave trade and brings to the forefront the thousands of African slaves here in Canada, a fact that has been â€Å"bulldozed and ploughed over† (P 7)1, while we ridicule our southern neighbours for their involvement in the very same industry.It is also a useful tool in the study of everyday life during this time period in New France, including their personal interactions, economic pillars, cultural beliefs, and overall social structure. Dr. Afua Cooper is a leading authority on Canadian black history and slavery; she has devoted her life to uncovering the past and educating the public on the little known subject of black slavery in Canadian history.She is a renowned presenter, scholar, poet, and author, having published five books of poetry, and several books both historical and historical fiction2 in her efforts to bring to light â€Å"Canada’s sorry history of slavery and racism† (P XII)1. She is currently the Ruth Wynn Woodward Endowed Chair in Women’s Studies at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia2.Fifteen years of research went into the telling of Angelique`s story, using a variety of methods including court and business records, including Angelique’s trial transcripts, newspapers containing advertisements for the purchase and sale of slaves (P 97)1 and other histories of slavery. It is these many details that Dr. Cooper has included that helps the reader to become immersed in the story. From the haunting description of la question ordinaire et extrodinaire (P 17-19)1, the rise and fall of Portugal as a maritime superpower (P 24)1 , and the descriptions of the city and buildings that were destroyed so easily (P 142-3)1.She tells the s tory of not only Marie-Joseph Angelique, but of all people in New France including both negro and Indian slaves, indentured labourers, and those of the higher classes. Angelique`s owners, Francois Poulin de Francheville and his wife, Therese de Couagne belonged to a social class referred to as bourgeois, â€Å"a social class of middle standing—between the aristocracy and the lower classes† (P 107)1. Their business was commerce, most notably, the â€Å"lifeblood of the colony†, the fur trade.Francois, and many others, prospered from the fur trade, it was, in fact, the main economy of the colonies at the time. Not only for the actual voyageurs and merchants, but the supplies needed for the outposts, goods to trade with the natives (especially alcohol), and transportation of these goods to the trading posts. Without support from Montreal, none of the posts would have been able to survive. The fur trade was an essential part of life in New France, not only to those directly related, it affected everyone. The trade was the pivot upon which most other affairs, especially politics, religion, and war, spun. Politicians and priests, Natives and French, merchants and voyageurs, soldiers and kings, architects and engineers all had careers made, enhanced, or unmade by the fur trade† (P 115)1. Another barrier between the rich and poor keeping the class divisions separate was the Seigneurial system, of which Angeliques owner was a part.An upper class man were granted land by the crown, and then was rented to others to work it, all the while paying the Seigneur rent and paying for the use of his mill. Only a Seigneur could own the mill, and all of the natural resources on said land, including fish, timber, or valuable metal deposits, belonged him as well. Francois Poulin de Francheville happened to be Seigneur for a plot of land about fifteen acres outside of Montreal, which just happened to be rich in iron deposits.In an effort to diversify the co lony’s economy, he obtained a twenty-year monopoly from the crown to mine the iron in the Trois-Rivieres area (P 121)1. Francheville continued to support the fur trade, still the pivot of life in the colonies by selling manufactured goods such as sewing needles, cookware, and stoves, but the majority of the steel was used by France for shipbuilding and military equipment. Montreal was no longer economically dependant on the fur trade.Among the classes of New France, Angelique was at the very bottom, disadvantaged on three fronts. Not only was she a slave, but she was a black female slave. After the black slaves were the Indian slaves, or Panis (P 81)1, free blacks, indentured labourers, and then the traders, bourgeois, and Nobles that made up the high society. Though the class structure was quite rigid, there was room for movement in the ranks. Angelique was romantically involved with Claude Thibault, an indentured labourer in the same household as herself.Though Claude was n ot a slave, he was contracted for three years and was paid for the work he did, he wished to escape the colonies and return to France. The pair did escape once, but were caught, and he was believed to be Angelique`s accomplice in setting the fire. As those in lower classes mingled and formed bonds, so too did the middle and higher classes, though for different reasons. Francois Poulin de Francheville was a social climber, and in order to expand his social circle, he married the daughter of a very influential and rich Montreal merchant, Therese de Couagne.Where Angelique and Claude had shared frustration and humiliation of serving others, the marriage of Francois and Therese was a mutually beneficial agreement mostly due to money and family connections. Though Patriarchy was the dominant ideology at the time, white women still had some freedom. Black slave women were advertised for sale usually as house servants, the ability to cook, clean, and do household chores were the selling po ints. They were seen as not being able to do any more than such duties.When her husband died, however, Therese de Couagne, being a high class white woman, took full control of all of her husband’s business dealings and they flourished. Not only were men seen as better than women, white women were more capable than black. Legal procedure when prosecuting Marie-Joseph Angelique was shockingly different to that which is practiced today. Pierre Raimbault, Angelique’s prosecutor, gathered evidence and prepared the case against Angelique. The evidence against her was strong, several witnesses testified against her, and she had motive, being a mistreated and angry slave.She was found guilty by the judge, who was not entirely impartial because he, like many others, had lost most of his possessions in the fire. Her sentence was to â€Å"be condemned to make honourable amends, and to have her hand cut off, and that she be thrown alive into the fire in a place in this town deeme d most appropriate, after having been subjected to la question ordinaire et extraordinaire in order that she name her accomplices and that the judgement of the one named Thibault be delayed until the said accused has suffered such interrogation† (P 254)1.Angelique`s punishment was appealed, and downgraded, but such brutal punishments were quite common in European societies, carried out on perpetrators of such crimes believed despicable, others included burnt alive, boiled, quartered, covered in hot oil or tar (P 255)1. La question ordinaire et extraordinaire was, indeed, torture. The judge not only wanted a confession from Angelique, he wanted her to name her former lover, Thibault, as her accomplice, so that he too could be executed.Once again, not exactly promising for a â€Å"fair and unbiased† trial. Afua Cooper’s The Hanging of Angelique, The Untold Story of Canadian Slavery and the Burning of Old Montreal not only shows an overview of the African slave trad e and its beginnings, the overall social structure, cultural beliefs and economic backbone of New France, but she also succeeds in showing the indomitable nature of the human spirit by showing no matter how little freedom she has, Angelique still finds ways to rebel.It shows the class distinctions that ruled people’s lives in the 18th century Canada that no longer exist to such an extent, the way they lived, whether by the fur trade, or farming, or as a government official. It is a great example of how Canada has grown from small colonies with little to no economic diversity, and rigid class structure ruled by societal pressure where slaves were a sign of prestige, to a multicultural developed country today.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Should Parents Physically Discipline Their Children

Jamie Dukes Dr. primeval English 104 April 13, 2009 Should Pargonnts corporally Discipline Their Children? Should pargonnts physically take aim their youngster for doing something wrong? I say yes I intend physically force field virtuosos electric razor go away correct behaviour problems, remediate grades, and help them to become fountainhead mannered simply I am tone ending to let the give-and-takes leg of view reply this question. The history of the Bible says, Foolishness is bound in the sum total of a tiddler, only if the rod of take shall drive if far from him (Proverbs 2215).The Hebrew word for foolishness does non express of escapeful mischief. It speaks of an inability to discern what is good. Children (with their throttle accommodate a go at itledge and experience) are not equal to discern what is best for them. For example, a cardinal year old may necessitate ice cream for breakfast, beca substance abuse he has no go throughing of balanced n utrition. Small boorren desire to be told what to do, and not asked if they ask to do it. And then, as they increase in long time an experience, gradually, they should be allowed to make more than and more decisions on their admit. (DeVitio 69. 4)According to my research I found at least sise Bible verses that included discipline, but to prenomen a few. He that spareth his rod hateth his male peasant but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes (Proverbs 1324) Withhold no correction from the baby bird for if thou postureest him with the rod, he shall die. (Proverbs 2213) guanine shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell. (Proverbs 2314) and the last Bible verse I could find had the kindred qualities of disciplining a churl the rod and reproof give cognizance but a small fry to himself brin liquidateh his have to shame. Proverbs 2915) It erect be argued that well-nigh conservative Protestants confide that the Bible is entirely accurate an d inerrant-free. The pass ripens in Proverbs probably accurately and precisely portray Solomons parenting flair (Was a man in the Bible). As an big(p), Solomons son Rehoboam, was viscious, un aspecting, insiderate to his subjects, had no approximate for human rights, and was widely hated. He but escaped assassination at the hold of his own passel (Child 13). peradventure the Bibles true core present is These bills of view are from the Bible, but I wishinged to go through the point of view from opposites as in both day great deal who walk or so with their kids to supermarkets or stores, so I heady to conduct some research to consider if nation obey or appease by the rules of the Bible. For my field observation, I visited trinity places Bi-Lo, a High school basketball game game game, and in Sumter, SC. February 6, 2009 Time 630 P. M 900 P. M. I went to basketball game and found myself talking to other people.The maam told me, that she beats her babyren becau se they are playing the fool and she bops that if she beats them, they will represent better. The lady excessively k in a flashs that beating them at their age now will keep rump them from being disobedient and troublemakers. I asked a very old man who has adult babyren now, and I asked him ab bug pop out would he be beat his granddaughter. He told me yeabecause if she actin she qualifying to get punished for it. Friday, February 7, 2009 Time 1000 A. M 1100 A. M. At Bi-Lo I was walking around to see who was in the store. Then I browsed some of the food.I saw the poor boy and without his vex I was wondering was the little boy with someone, but I didnt know who to ask. So a few a minutes later his mother came up to her son with an expression on her face as if it were say,utter disappointment. The boys mother told him when she gets home she was going to get him. So right before the lady left with her son, I asked, does she physically beat her son? She was like yea Im gonna beat his tail I asked her wherefore? And she verbalise, he was actin act up. February 9, 2009 (Time 200 P. M 400). When I came back to school on the weekend afterwards spring break, I visited the Sumter Mall.And since I was here I thought I could use this mall as part of my experience. number 1 I visited the ToysRus in Sumter. This was kind of elicit environment where lots of children were running around begging their parents, they want one or the other toy, and the parents are constantly tell the child no. this causes some of the children to want to rebel l from their parents and act up. I found this kid playing a demo video game in the console games department, and he was enjoying himself until his mother called him. He didnt seem to want to move, so he figured he could play just now a little sting longer.His mother called him again. The boy unchanging didnt move so the mother walked real(a) fast to the boy and grabbed his ear. She got his attention this time. I didnt get a risk to ask the lady does she physically discipline her child but as curtly as I entered the parking lot, I was shocked because this lady was whipping her son like there was no tomorrow Based on the observations, I believe that discipline ones child will correct behavior correct if its just for a little while. The main goal as a parent or guardian is to want their child to behave accordingly, and if you know that physically beating for that reason is fine.But one must not over quality their boundaries, physically discipline stand also lead to child abuse (Neifert 14. 6). These things push aside get tide up in the law and you may be just battling for your child. When you discipline your child you should let your child know, then till them if they do it they do it again, the same discipline will be taken. Telling ones child they will do it means that they will do it means that as parents they claim to keep their word just as the Bible said I referenceed both pers ons. The first person was Sentoria Felder.I hypothesise she is a good orduredidate for this interview because I animadvert shes a Christian at heart with a firm belief in the Bible. So I asked her a series of quaternity questions to answer. apparent motion 1 Do you infer children should be physically check? why or why not? She answered yes, because it shows how much(prenominal) you care nigh the child. Its separate of like a wakeup call. dubiety 2 How in force(p) do you stand for disciplining a child can be? She answered, It can be very outletive and it should be because it can prevent the child from being on a dangerous path. Question 3 What age do you think it should operate?why or why not? She answered, When they are old bountiful to start walking and getting into things. Question 4 What age should it encumbrance? why or why not? She answered, As long as the children are still in the parents care or house. The insurgent and last person I interviewed on campus is Richard Jones. I chose Richard because I felt as if he doesnt have that numerous standards or as in a way to discipline a child so he agreed that I would interview him. I told him to say what was on his mind. I asked Richard the same series of questions I asked Sentoria. Question 1 Do you think children should be physically disciplined?Why or why not? He answered, Yes, because when you show a child discipline, they know that you mean business and therefore they will give you respect. Question 2 How effective do you think disciplining a child can be? He answer, It can be very effective because if you discipline them for doing something bad, theyll know not to repeat the same thing next time. Question 3 What age do you think it should start? Why or why not? He answered, When a baby is equal to(p) to move on their ass. (Meaning when they crawl, they play with things that are harmful). Question 4 What age should it insure?Why or why not? He answered, When they out more, because then theyll have to deal with the real world consequences. For the interview, I think that was successful. I also had conducted surveys to 33 people, who were on campus. This is my analysis of the surveys. For Question 1, out of a accomplishable 33 people 29 said that children should be physically disciplined. The stay persons said that children should not be physically disciplined for that there are other disciplinary methods. Based on this information I can finish that many children receive discipline, but it doesnt have to physical.For Question 2, out of a possible 33 people (a humongous 100 percent) said that disciplining a child can be very effective. I can conclude that disciplining can be a tool to help children, but it must be enforced by the parent or guardian. For Question 3, out of a possible 33 people 16 people said that there is no real starting age for a child to be disciplined. The remaining persons said that discipline comes at round 3 years of age. I can conclude th at disciplinary action comes when the child has done something wrong for the parent to discipline them.For Question 4, out of a possible 33 people 20 people said that being physically disciplined should hinder at the age of about 18 years of age. The remaining persons said that the age a parent should stop disciplining a child is when children are mature and grown. thitherfore they are independent with their own responsibilities. I can conclude that children should stop being physically disciplined when they know right from wrong and they do not engage in wrongful activities or anything that would cause them to be physically disciplined.In conclusion, it is with this information that has been given that I feel that physical discipline should be used. Physical discipline instills a sense of whats right and wrong and it prevents in approximately cases, children from continuing to commit wrongful acts. There was a time in my support where I physically disciplined and now that I am o lder, I understand the concept of physical discipline and the effect it had on me and the effect it has on children that is use on.The Bible is the longest existing admit in history that also has impartiality to it and I know that the Bible has the answer to every problem that anyone has. I think physically discipline ones child will correct behavior problems, improve grades, and help them to become well mannered, productive citizens. This is why I think children should physically disciplined. Works Cited Child visible Punishments SpankingWhat is The Rod? Mentioned in Proverbs Google 2009. Feb. 2007http//www. religioustolerance. org/spanking13. htm Di Vito, Robert A. biblical Theology Issues, Methods, and Themes. (Book Review). Theological Studies 69. 4 (Dec 2008) 922(2). public One File. Gale. Morris College. 1 Mar. 2009 Felder, Sentoria. Personal Interview. 6 Mar. 2009. Jones, Richard. Personal Interview. 12 Mar. 2009 Neifert, Marianne. No much Disciplines Traps. Parentin g 14. 6 (August 2000) 88(4). General OneFile. Gale. Morris College. 6 Mar. 2009. Proverbs 19-23 33-36. hallowed Bible. KJV.

Systems analysis and modeling: A macro to micro approach with multidisciplinary applications Essay

The recent scathe wars in the midst of lively call up industries and super securities industrys decl ar been full to the consumers as tumesce as their respective industries. It tummy be argued that outgo wars en open customers to save their money, gain consumer utility and lead to expectant competition. However customers uncoerced only enjoy the benefits of toll wars in the short-run, provided the situation change in the long run. expenditure wars lead to decrease of tolls, however it is essential to approximate the effect of expense decrease on consumer spending. The principle of this paper is to examine the effect of price wars in the midst of restless visit industries and the super grocerys.Findings and digest Price wars evanesce marginal players and modify the structure of the merchandise. In plate of price wars, few competitors volition be leave behinding to enter an unattractive market that greatly cuss on repress 1 prices for success, an d minor competitors leave the market because they be unable to subscribe clams. In around causas, some firms might dominate in the market due to price wars for example, acquisition of macro instruction foods by Woolworths in 2009. Price wars progress to a long-term effect on consumer preference, since consumers ar left in a market with fewer players with greater authority. This case intimatelyly applies to supermarkets. Price reduction by retailers weakens the injury investment made by producers (Wallner, 2001).Price wars between unstable phone industries and supermarkets bring forth short-term benefits to the consumer, exclusively they result to decrease in price which has a long-run impact to the consumer. Price cuts emanating from price wars alter consumer expectations for discounting and excise future tense pricing. Price reduction withal affects the capacity of product distribution to small outlets such(prenominal) as bottle shops, local stores and convenienc e outlets. The price war between Britains dominant supermarkets has shifted into wandering market with major supermarkets reducing their prices by half. On the other(a)wise hand, the rival peregrine phone companies maintained that they offered the best price in the market. The supple phone companies have announced price increase everyplace the last few weeks however supermarkets slashed rectify the price for mobile phone service. The supermarkets ar able to take the opportunity fol upset of cutting the prices because they testament gain back by selling juicy margin goods (Eweje & Perry, 2011). There is price discrimination in calling evaluate because divers(prenominal) mobile phone industries have different tarrifs. The pressure exerted in the markets draw offs the mobile phones to adjust their prices to attain market equilibrium.In guild to understand the current little and macro- disdain trading operations breathing in the mobile phone industries and the superma rkets, it is imperative to snap the social, political and economic structures. The reduction of interest rates by the government has greatly reduced the train of unemployment. In addition the purchasing capability of clients get out increase because of the rectifyd financial situation. However, the scuttle of massive financial uncertainty go away affect consumer spending especially while purchasing bonus products (Boyd, 2001)Analysis on current European demographics shows that thither is an change magnitude trend of ageing population. There is low possibility of old generation to go shopping in the supermarkets as compared to the young generation. The earnings literacy is at 65 years, although growing population considers online shopping as efficient. Macro surround is external to the business sector and they are uncontrollable factors that are beyond control by either fundamental law (Forstater, 2007).Appropriate macro environs allow for modify supermarkets and mobil e phone industries to make effective policies and strategies to make changes as well as coping up with changes in the current market. small environment on the other hand are the internal factors that mobile phone industries and supermarkets fag end control. small environment have direct impact to an organization because it directly affect its zsuccess and operations. little environment exit affect an organizations capacity to see its clients. Therefore, before supermarkets and mobile phones industries decide on any corporate strategy, they need to appraise their micro environment. Micro environment include all departments existing in an organization and each of these department has a great effect on an organization marketing decisions. The other settings that are included in micro environment are the publics and the customer market. Thus, mobile phones industries and supermarkets should understand their micro and macro environments so that they can make take over strategies t hat pass on affect both their success and operations (Wan, 2006).The law of demand and supply will suffice supermarkets and mobile phone industries to settle on a market equilibrium calling price. In an flack to run from spicy calling speak to from other mobile service providers, customers ends up in the supermarkets which charges low prices to its mobile customers. However, supermarkets place price premiums on rudimentary items so that they can metamorphose the low prices which had attracted the customers. It can be argued that, price wars benefit customers in the sort-run, but in the long run they greatly affect the customer (Krugman & Wells, 2009).The cost of mobile phones have go to such a level that if the trend carries on, mobile service will be more(prenominal) cheap to much larger parts of the emergent markets population. The price wars ensure that both the supermarkets and mobile phone industries hold off checking on their prices so that they can maintain their profits as well as making profits. The supermarkets go forward to increase their promotions while other rival companies such as Tesco hold that they will continue beingness aggressive. There are various factors that have conduct to the reduction in price of mobile phones. The cost of mobile phones is brought down by heavy subsidies from the government, high levels of competition as well as efforts from local manufacturers who set on selling accession-level phones. The price of mobile phones has been brought down by the evaluate growth of markets (Wessels, 2006). erratic manufactures are straining to sell their phones in the uphill markets such as Philippines, Nigeria and India. active phone manufactures have a great opportunity for the gilded phones to substitute feature phones in the emerging markets. fluid phones manufactures demonstrate the problem of lack of operator subsidies in the emerging markets so that they can support the gateway of these tuppeny mobile phone s. As the cost of mobile phones continues to reduce, it is anticipated that emerging markets will receive an increasing number of cheap phones in future. However, there are different approaches of entry of cheap phones to the emerging markets. For example, it was anticipated that there will be a growth of 95% of smartphones in India in 2013, while it was 46% in Brazil. In Brazil the import duties was expected to balk the cheaper supply effect. By examining the current situation, mobile phones manufacturers who will be able to cope up with the unfaltering competition in the modern market, will prepare a strong stance in the future mobile phone market (Eweje & Perry, 2011).Technology approach has enabled manufactures to device life-fitting mobile phones that are cheap and affordable. Mobile phones are a very crucial aspect in human daily lives because it enabled people to communicate, interact and to spur development. Smartphones technology continues to be more everyday in devel oped countries however, the drop in price of phones has drastically changed the situation since smartphones are now more well-disposed in the emerging markets. Cheap mobile phones are very helpful to the emerging markets, since they will help to revolutionalize the lives of health-care professionals, farmers and educators in the developing nations. Lower price will de delimitedly make smartphones more accessible in emerging products, but there is low network connectivity in developing countries. Low internet penetration is a major hindrance of entry of cheap smartphones in emerging markets (Forstater, 2007).The high outlay of data plans hinders various people from accessing internet through and through their phone. There is also high rate of pompousness and unemployment in emerging markets which is another hindrance of entry of cheap phones in these markets. Though mobile phones are essential in modern day lives, most people in emerging markets struggle to make their ends meet. I n the efforts of developing cheap mobile phones in emerging markets, the issue of insufficient mesh al-Qaida should also be addressed. Mobile net income operators should focus on sustainability, where they should develop business structures that permit them to put on returns by bringing data networks to emerging markets ( deservingington & Britton, 2006).The network connectivity can be provided by companies like Google however, the cost imposed to the local economy would be huge. The flak of brining solutions to the issue of network models in emerging markets, would have adverse effects to the local ecosystem as well as devastating impact to the mobile network operators who provide employment, and to the government who get remunerated for network licenses and use the funds for economic development. Apart from benefiting from cheap mobile phones, emerging will benefit from the internet connections plans that are just to be implemented. The emerging markets will get internet thro ugh microwave signals and grapheme optics. The local governments will benefit from revenue lay in from internet licenses.Conclusion Price wars between mobile phone industries and supermarket will benefit both the consumers as well as their respective industries. The price wars will lead to an increasing trend of the cost of mobile phones. The reduction of cost of mobile phones will enable more access of phones in emerging markets. Smartphones are more prevalent in developed countries where they have advanced the lives of farmers, health-care professionals among other people thus supporting(a) economic development. Emerging markets such as India, Nigeria and Philippines will receive more phones because manufacturers believe that there is a large market in developing nations. Mobile manufacturers have contributed a lot to development in the emerging markets for devising cheap phones that are affordable however, they should also develop the internet model in the emerging markets . Lastly, cheap mobile will be of great benefit to the emerging markets since they will improve communication among other benefits.ReferencesBoyd,D.W. (2001). Systems analysis and modeling A macro to micro approach with multidisciplinary applications. San Diego, CA academician Press.Do consumers really benefit from the supermarket price wars? (n.d.). Retrieved from http//,G., & Perry,M. (2011). contrast and sustainability Concepts, strategies and changes. Bingley, UK Emerald Group.Forstater,M. (2007). frugals. Chicago Chicago Review Press.Krugman,P.R., & Wells,R. (2009). Economics. New York Worth Publishers.Supermarket price war moves into mobile phone market Business The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//,K., & eye for Economic Policy Research (Great Britain). (2001). Price wars in finite sequent ial move price competition. London Centre for Economic Policy Research.Wan,K.K. (2006). From micro to macro quantum systems A unified formalism with superselection rules and its applications. London Imperial College Press.Wessels,W.J. (2006). Economics. Hauppauge, NY Barrons.Worthington,I., & Britton,C. (2006). The business environment. Harlow Financial Times Prentice Hall.Source catalogue